Marketing Tips

7.5 Ways to Help Readers and Make $1000/Month

If you can make an extra $1000 a month or more simply by placing affiliate links where they will be most helpful to your readers and viewers - your results may vary. But imagine if you could.

This is correct: Instead of thinking of affiliate marketing as a way to monetize your site, consider it as a way to provide value to your readers.

My sales have increased significantly since I made a small shift in my thinking, and now I'm placing far more affiliate links out there and making more sales as well.

Your readers and customers will benefit from using these ... read more

Business Tips

10 Smart Ways to Save Money as A Blogger

Blogging is a great way to stay in touch with your audience, expand your reach, and increase the number of products you sell.

Although you may not have a lot of money to put in your blog at first, there are many ways to make it more functional. Just like starting a business, starting a blog might be a lot more expensive than expected.

In the long term, investing in the correct tools and resources will allow you to expand your business faster and save you money.

Keeping this in mind, here are some money-saving techniques for bloggers:.

1. Purchase annual plans.

Some blogging tools ... read more


How to Repurpose Content for Better SEO

How to Repurpose Content for Better SEO

Here's a quick tip for getting free Google traffic by simply tailoring content to specific niches.

Assume you've written an authoritative piece on how to start a profitable blog. You go through the entire process of finding a niche, creating posts, and earning money. You worked very hard on this article and are very proud of it.

You'll now tailor your article to different niches in order to leverage your work and get free traffic. "How to Start a Pet Blog," "How to Start a Home Health Care Blog," "How to Start a Travel Blog," "How ... read more


The Art of Making IT Happen

The "IT" is whatever you want to make a reality. For our purposes, we'll discuss how to "Make Your New Business" a reality, but you can apply this knowledge to create almost anything from scratch.

Without permission.

Without any bosses.

Without someone telling you no, no, NO you CANNOT do that.

Without the roadblocks you've encountered in the past.

And without that monkey voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough, that people will judge you, that you should just keep your head down and work for someone else.

We're going to put an end to that nonsense once and for all.

We're going ... read more

Marketing Tips

How To Write Killer Bullet Points?

Before we begin, I should clarify one point...


“…uhhh… It's one of those writing things with the big dot."


It's also one of several items or lines in a bulleted list.

It's also an excellent way to convey information because people frequently skim the bullet points before reading the rest of the copy.

Here are a few reasons I discovered on the internet NOT to use bullet points (and I am NOT making this up, I swear).

'They' say don't use bullet points because...

1. People will read the bullets first. 
2. Bullet points are boring. 
3. Bullet points are too ... read more

Marketing Tips

What Color Increases Sales?

Color is important when designing your logo or the look of your website because it influences people's first impressions of your company. According to Emerald Insight, color accounts for between 62 and 90 percent of the first impression. This means that the color of your logo or website could make or break a customer's decision to purchase.

Yes, color is that significant.

What color(s) should you use for your business?

That depends on the situation.

Nothing works better than red to draw attention and create excitement. Many companies, including Target, Coca-Cola, Time Magazine, Pinterest, Lego, Kellogg's, Kmart, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, CNN, Netflix, Disney, ... read more

Marketing Tips

Newsjacking Your Way to Fans and Sales

Newsjacking is the act of using breaking news to drive traffic to your website.

Let's say there's a blackout at a Super Bowl event, and Oreo immediately tweeted an image of an Oreo cookie in the dark with the message, “You can still dunk in the dark.” Yes, do you recall when that happened? It was newsjacking, and one free tweet was worth more in sales and publicity than a Super Bowl commercial.

Maybe the news is that a software tycoon just sold his company for $10 billion. You can use that news to drive traffic to your software-based business website.

You can ... read more


How to Get the Most Out of Your Critics

Your dumb-bag boss fired you.

A troll on social media slammed you.

You got a bad review from a know-it-all knucklehead who couldn't even find her own butt with her hands, let alone do what you do.


You must now make a choice.

You have the option of curling up in a ball in your closet and never come out ...

... or you can channel your rage towards achieving greater heights of success.

A great young guitarist was kicked out of his band in 1983, just as they were about to sign their first record deal. They were set to begin recording their first album ... read more

Marketing Tips

How to Turn Your Blog Into a Sales Machine

Most business blogs stink. They're used for announcements and fluffy content that doesn't generate leads or sales.

And if that's all you want your blog to be, then skip this article.

But if you want a blog that generates more leads and sales with every post, keep reading.

Instead of blogging, think of your blog as a learning center. This learning center will house all of your website's key content. Visitors will be able to find solutions to their problems and information they seek.

You'll create content that appeals to your target demographic and encourages them to buy. In order to increase repeat sales, ... read more

Business Tips

10 Ways to Trash Trolls

Have you ever seen a comedian silence a heckler? It is a lovely sight. The drunken heckler has no idea what he's up against. This is a professional who has dealt with drunken audiences for hundreds of hours. You know that heckler will be destroyed the moment they open their mouths.

Milton Jones, a comic for most of his life, has only been heckled twice. The first time was when someone yelled “These are just words!”.

Umm… yeah.

The second was alarming. “What is this?” someone exclaimed mid-performance. He couldn't figure out what they meant in the silence that followed. The longer he ... read more


Book: The Cold Start Problem – How to Start and Scale Network Effects

You have a new product or service to launch. But you and your product are unknown. How do you get those early adopters? How do you turn those early adopters into more market share?

Andrew Chen's new book "The Cold Start Problem" aims to explain how to start, grow, and defend successful businesses.

It's hard to gain momentum when there are no existing users, just like starting a cold car engine.

And if you don't solve the cold start issue quickly, your new product may die.

“A network effect occurs when a product's value increases as more people use it,” Chen writes. Consider a ... read more

Marketing Tips

10 Free Social Media Tools to Grow Your Fan Base

Social media is used for 2 hours and 24 minutes per day by over half of the population. How many would you like as followers?

Agorapulse: Make your audience more responsive by centralizing all interactions.

Canva: Create content faster with tried-and-true templates. You can make creatives, infographics, and other things without being a graphic artist.

Facebook Ad Library: will show you your competitors' ads. Find out what works for your audience, what works for competitors, and what people like. Apply what you learn to both paid and free content.

Google Trends: Shows you what's hot, and posting content around hot topics increases social media ... read more

Special Reports

5 More Scientifically Proven Ways To Sell More Stuff With Less Work

Last month, I gave you ten tips for being more persuasive and selling more stuff.

This month, we'll continue the series with 5 more ways to persuade your prospects to become customers, including a method for completely changing a person's mind, which isn't always easy.

You can also apply these techniques in your personal life. Want to persuade your child to do his chores without complaining, or your spouse to agree to your vacation plan? Then continue reading...

1: Here's How a Simple Question Improves Conversions

Researchers asked potential voters to predict whether they would vote on election day and to explain why.

Those ... read more


A Sales Copy Tip that Breaks a Golden Rule

If you've ever taken a sales copywriting class, you'll know that you never, ever reveal the price until you've justified it.

You must create value, make the prospect want your product, and drive them insane with desire. Then you must demonstrate that your product is worth a lot of money, and I mean a LOT of money.

Only then, and only then, can you reveal the price.

That is, at least, the rule.

But rules are made to be broken, and there are two occasions when you can do so.

The first is when your price serves as your primary selling point. Your prospect already ... read more


This Star Wars Method of Generating Massive Demand for Old(er) Products

People lined up around the block to buy tickets for movies – any movies – showing the Star Wars TRAILER before the 1999 prequel even hit theaters.

Isn't that strange?

Assume you own one of those other films. Would you accept the extra ticket sales if you knew they were motivated by someone else's trailer rather than your own?

Yes, absolutely. Money is, after all, money.

How can we apply this in marketing?

Assume a hot new trend emerges – perhaps everyone wants to know how to use a duck to clean their car (I'm making this up, in case you were wondering).

You have a ... read more

Business Tips

Content Creators: How to Write 5,000 Words Per Day

If 5,000 words seems like a ridiculously large number, you're not alone.

Even when they are trying to be extremely productive in their writing, most people will not write more than 2,000 words on a good day.

But when I put my foot down, I can do 5,000 or even more.

How do I go about doing it?

First, I take some time to unwind. Yes, I sit in my favorite chair, get comfy, and relax my entire body.

Then I set a goal of writing X number of words in the next X number of hours.

Let's pretend I want to write 5,000 words in ... read more


The Ghost Town that Fell into the Sea

Or..., how to ruin your business by ignoring the facts.

Once upon a time, near the Pacific Ocean in Oregon, USA, there was a town called Bayocean.

T.B. Potter, a real estate developer, laid out a town on a sandy peninsula in 1906. He sold 1600 lots and constructed for the residents a hotel, dance hall, post office, stores, and swimming pool.

There was no way to get to Bayocean. You had to arrive by boat, and the landing was treacherous, dangerous, and terrifying.

As a result, the residents decided to construct a protective jetty. The Army Corps of Engineers studied the area and ... read more

Marketing Tips

Are you making these 5 YouTube mistakes?

If you're an experienced YouTube marketer, you've probably already learned not to do these five things.

But if you're new to YouTube, don't worry; these are the same mistakes that almost everyone makes at first, and they're simple to fix.

1: Producing Videos on Almost Anything

It's tempting to make several videos per week, if not every day, just to get a lot of content on YouTube. However, unless one of those videos goes viral, all of your efforts will be futile.

Instead, concentrate solely on content that establishes you as a reliable source. When your growing audience realizes that each and every one ... read more

Business Tips

Mr. Robin Williams

During the early years of his career, comedian Robin Williams struggled with money and made poor business decisions. In fact, he didn't want to deal with the business side of things. He didn't want to hear about contracts, didn't know how to publicize himself, and despite his growing celebrity, he took any job that came his way – even birthday parties.

Imagine having Robin Williams perform at your birthday party. Oh my goodness.

He was constantly borrowing from friends, and there were times when he wouldn't have eaten if someone hadn't invited him to dinner.

As his fame grew, he partied until the ... read more

Marketing Tips

7 Free Traffic Strategies that Convert

Perhaps you're just starting out and don't have the funds to pay for traffic. What can you do to get people to look at your offers and start making sales as soon as possible without spending any money?

Here are seven tried-and-true methods. Choose the one that makes the most sense for you, get started, and you'll be making sales in a matter of days.

1: Perform expert roundups.

Ask a group of experts the same question and compile their responses into an expert roundup article. This could include any and all experts in your field.

For example, you could ask for their best ... read more


The $Billion Sales Technique "2 People 1 Difference"

I've used variations of this strategy to sell courses, software, services, books, and other items. And it's worked every time so far.

You've most likely heard of the $2 billion Wall Street Journal sales letter. It's the one that compares two guys who are nearly identical. They're both better than average students, both personable, both full of ambitious future goals, and they both graduated from the same class.

They meet for their class reunion 25 years later. They both work for the same company, but one is the president and the other is the manager of a small department.

What was the difference? ... read more

Business Tips

Seth Godin - What Is the Difference Between a Logo and a Brand?

If you ask a consumer to define the difference between a logo and a brand, they'll probably say they're the same thing.

If you ask a marketer the same question, the answers will be vastly different. To be honest, I don't think most marketers understand the distinction, and I'm not criticizing. I used to have no idea, too, because it's confusing unless someone breaks it down for you – not with some B.S. marketing-ese taught in school, but with a real-world answer.

So I turned to a video clip of Seth Godin explaining the difference, and while his explanation isn't particularly brief, ... read more


The 40% Rule to Success

Jerry Itzler invited a US Navy Seal to stay with him for a month in order to teach and train his host.

The Seal asked Jerry how many pullups he could do the day he arrived. Jerry admitted that he wasn't very good at it and only got about 8. The Seal said to take 30 seconds and do it again, so Jerry struggled for another 6. The Seal told him to do it again, and Jerry barely managed 3 times in 30 seconds.

Jerry is so exhausted at this point that he can't move his arms, which is when the Seal ... read more

Special Reports

10 Scientifically Proven Methods for Selling More Stuff with Less Work

It's the ultimate marketing fantasy: you press a button, send an email, and money pours into your bank account.

But, before that can happen, a lot of work must be put into things like finding or creating the right products for the right audience, locating that audience, and then convincing them to buy what you want to sell.

Which brings us to today's topic: how do you persuade people to buy? How can you make persuasiveness second nature to you, so that no matter what you do – write an email, a sales letter, or a blog post – your copy moves ... read more


The Number One Reason JVZoo Products Fail

Some marketers strike gold with their first product and then wonder why their second, third, and fourth products fail to sell.

Or, despite following the advice to "create products that solve problems," they never create a successful product.

They discovered a problem. They figured it out. However, the solution they devised is unpopular.

Log in to JVZoo or Warriorplus and look through all of the products that have sold 10 or fewer copies.

What do these products have in common, assuming they were promoted and shown to potential buyers?

They don't solve a problem that buyers have.

It's one thing to identify a problem and devise ... read more

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